Tutor Support Included

Learning remotely doesn’t mean you’re on your own! You’ll be able to message your tutor through our industry-leading learning platform.

Flexible Payment Options

Enrol today from £9.99 deposit & spread the cost over 24 months

Learn At Your Own Pace

Study wherever and whenever you want. You’ll have access to your course for two years so you can fit your learning around your other commitments.

Tutor Support Included

Learning remotely doesn’t mean you’re on your own! You’ll be able to message your tutor through our industry-leading learning platform.

Flexible Payment Options

Enrol today from £9.99 deposit & spread the cost over 24 months

Learn At Your Own Pace

Study wherever and whenever you want. You’ll have access to your course for one year so you can fit your learning around your other commitments.

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  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 24th December
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 24th December


"Aromatherapy is the fragrant art of using specially selected aromatic oils for therapeutic purposes. It is one of the fastest growing complementary therapies in the world."

About Aromatherapy Course

All essential oils are antiseptic and have different effects - some regulate metabolic function, some stimulate, whilst some others will soothe irritations and anxieties. Massage is used with the oils to enhance their effectiveness.

Essential oils can be used safely at home for many ailments. This Aromatherapy Course will take you through from the extraction to the application of the oils for therapeutic purposes, as well as cover aromatherapy massage techniques.

Aromatherapy is one of the most widely used therapies and this course will enable you to successfully practice as an aromatherapist.

One of the key features of this aromatherapy course is the inclusion of the anatomy and physiology added qualification.

Aromatherapy Course Content

  • Essential oils - extraction, mixing and blending
  • The subtle anatomy
  • Client consultation
  • Aromatherapy massage
  • Oils for different symptoms
  • Carrier oils
  • Stress & aromatherapy
  • Aromatherapy techniques
  • Starting your practice
  • Tables of essential oils

Anatomy & Physiology Content

  • Anatomy & physiology
  • Muscular system
  • Endocrine system
  • Digestive system
  • Reproductive system
  • Circulatory system
  • Skeletal system
  • Nervous system
  • Special senses
  • Lymphatic system
  • The skin, cells & tissues
  • For a more detailed syllabus on this course, click here



Assessment Method

After each lesson there will be a question paper, which needs to be completed and submitted to your personal tutor for marking. This method of continual assessment ensures that your personal tutor can consistently monitor your progress and provide you with assistance throughout the duration of the course.



Entry Requirements

No experience or previous qualifications are required for enrolment on this course.

Minimum age restriction

You must be aged 16 or older to enrol.

Average completion timeframe

The average time it takes our learners to complete the course is 1 year.

Assessment requirements

After each lesson, there will be a question paper to complete.

Placement or Practical required

There are no placements or practicals involved in this course.

Exams required

After each lesson there will be a question paper

Is Membership Required?

No membership is required to enrol the course.

Course Fees

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.

On successful completion of your course you will receive the learndirect Certificate of Completion of Training in Aromatherapy.

Your course certificate will also state the number of CPD points/hours the course is eligible for.

View a sample of the certificate (opens in new window)

learndirect is one of the largest integrated providers of courses and qualifications, training, and employment services in the UK

  • Each year around 6,000 businesses equip their staff for success with learndirect
  • learndirect have helped more than 75,000 businesses equip their employees with the skills needed to improve productivity.
  • Almost 700,000 maths and English test passes have been achieved with learndirect.
  • 300,000 people fulfilled their career ambitions last year with learndirect.
  • Over 250,000 apprentices have achieved with learndirect.
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 24th December
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 24th December


"Aromatherapy is the fragrant art of using specially selected aromatic oils for therapeutic purposes. It is one of the fastest growing complementary therapies in the world."

About Aromatherapy Course

All essential oils are antiseptic and have different effects - some regulate metabolic function, some stimulate, whilst some others will soothe irritations and anxieties. Massage is used with the oils to enhance their effectiveness.

Essential oils can be used safely at home for many ailments. This Aromatherapy Course will take you through from the extraction to the application of the oils for therapeutic purposes, as well as cover aromatherapy massage techniques.

Aromatherapy is one of the most widely used therapies and this course will enable you to successfully practice as an aromatherapist.

One of the key features of this aromatherapy course is the inclusion of the anatomy and physiology added qualification.

Aromatherapy Course Content

  • Essential oils - extraction, mixing and blending
  • The subtle anatomy
  • Client consultation
  • Aromatherapy massage
  • Oils for different symptoms
  • Carrier oils
  • Stress & aromatherapy
  • Aromatherapy techniques
  • Starting your practice
  • Tables of essential oils

Anatomy & Physiology Content

  • Anatomy & physiology
  • Muscular system
  • Endocrine system
  • Digestive system
  • Reproductive system
  • Circulatory system
  • Skeletal system
  • Nervous system
  • Special senses
  • Lymphatic system
  • The skin, cells & tissues
  • For a more detailed syllabus on this course, click here



Assessment Method

After each lesson there will be a question paper, which needs to be completed and submitted to your personal tutor for marking. This method of continual assessment ensures that your personal tutor can consistently monitor your progress and provide you with assistance throughout the duration of the course.



Entry Requirements

No experience or previous qualifications are required for enrolment on this course.

Minimum age restriction

You must be aged 16 or older to enrol.

Average completion timeframe

The average time it takes our learners to complete the course is 1 year.

Assessment requirements

After each lesson, there will be a question paper to complete.

Placement or Practical required

There are no placements or practicals involved in this course.

Exams required

After each lesson there will be a question paper

Is Membership Required?

No membership is required to enrol the course.

Course Fees

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.


On successful completion of your course you will receive the learndirect Certificate of Completion of Training in Aromatherapy.

Your course certificate will also state the number of CPD points/hours the course is eligible for.

View a sample of the certificate (opens in new window)

learndirect is one of the largest integrated providers of courses and qualifications, training, and employment services in the UK

  • Each year around 6,000 businesses equip their staff for success with learndirect
  • learndirect have helped more than 75,000 businesses equip their employees with the skills needed to improve productivity.
  • Almost 700,000 maths and English test passes have been achieved with learndirect.
  • 300,000 people fulfilled their career ambitions last year with learndirect.
  • Over 250,000 apprentices have achieved with learndirect.
100% online
24 units
168 guided
learning hours

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