29th October 21 Learn How to Write Your Own Terrifying Halloween Horror Screenplay Picture this – it’s Halloween night, the rain is beating down on the windows, the wind is whistling through the creaky back door, the lights...
29th October 21 Career Options for Anyone Studying a Computer Science Course In today’s world, we use digital software on a daily basis, in both professional and personal settings. The globe has become reliant on...
27th October 21 What Jobs Can You Get with A Sports Science Degree? The world of sport is exciting, dynamic and highly profitable for those at the top of their game. As such, there are many careers within this...
26th October 21 Why Not Study A Spooky Course with learndirect this Halloween? Halloween is the ideal time for anyone who loves to be spooked to celebrate all things that go bump in the night. Ghosts, ghouls and monsters are...
25th October 21 FAQs: Becoming a Midwife with No A-Levels Midwifery is a popular career choice for many reasons, namely because the feeling that comes with bringing new life into the world is something...
25th October 21 How to Become a Primary School Teacher A career in primary school teaching is the opportunity to support children through their learning journey from the age of four to eleven. You will...
25th October 21 What Children’s Nursing Courses Do You Need to Study to Become a Paediatric Nurse? Every role within the healthcare industry is important as each professional is providing a much-needed service to the country. Nursing is part of...
21st October 21 Why You Should Consider Studying Information Technology Courses With technology becoming an ever-present feature in our lives, it’s no wonder the rate of people studying information technology courses has...
20th October 21 Why Airline and Airport Staff Must Be Trained in Conflict Management Travelling by plane for many is an exciting concept. We arrive at the airport well in advance of our flight’s departure, giving ourselves enough...
8th October 21 World Mental Health Day: How to Manage Mental Health in the Workplace As a society, we spend most of our adult lives at work, so it is essential that we feel supported, particularly as 1 in 6 people experience issues...
7th October 21 National Poetry Day: How to Write Poetry for Beginners When we think of poetry, we often think of Shakespeare’s complex sonnets or simple and sweet rhymes children would hear in school. It’s not...
7th October 21 How the Study of Primates Can Help with Conservation Our world is full of life, from various species of wildlife to plants and humans. The existence of our eco-system is dependent on the life that...
30th September 21 What Careers Can I Pursue with an Advertising Qualification? Do you want a job that is stimulating, provides ample opportunities for progression, gives you the chance to put your creative ideas into play and...
29th September 21 Human Resources Courses Designed to Further Your Career Long gone are the days when the main priorities of a human resources professional were hiring and firing! Now, the HR department is an influential...
28th September 21 Why Human Resources is a Good Career There are many fascinating careers in business that can position you at the head of innovation and change. If you’d consider yourself to be good...