5th October 22 Animal Courses Direct Gives Aspiring Animal Professionals Hope During Cost Of Living Crisis Animal Courses Direct – the largest provider of Ofqual-regulated animal courses in the UK – is giving hope to those looking to access gated...
29th September 22 How Much Does A Dental Nurse Earn? How Much Does a Dental Nurse Earn? Deciding on the right career path can be challenging. If you want to make a positive impact on the life of...
6th September 22 Innovative Education Package Announced To Tackle School No-Shows With evidence showing that pupils with higher school attendance get better GCSE and A-Level grades, the Department for Education is putting...
6th September 22 Level 3 Animal Qualifications To Help Learners Achieve Higher Education Goals With certain coveted animal careers in veterinary practice, zoology, marine biology and more requiring you to be educated through a Higher...
5th September 22 Life-Changing Programme Announced For UK Young Diabetics In a further show of support for UK diabetics, Philanthropist Steve Morgan donates another £5m to help diabetics between the age of 11-25 better...
26th August 22 GCSE and A Level Results: learndirect CEO Has a Message for 2023 Hopefuls As another academic year begins to dawn, students across the UK collected their 2022 A-level and GCSE results in the final two weeks of August....
2nd August 22 Medical Essentials to Fly Sky High in UK’s First Medical Drone Distribution Network The CAELUS project – a group of partners led by AGS Airports – will deliver critical medical supplies to remote UK communities by using drone...
26th July 22 Online GCSEs Making Home-Schooling More Efficient Over the last ten years, there has been a significant rise in the number of children being home-schooled in the UK. Now, online GCSE courses are...
25th July 22 Petpals: Turning Redundancy into Triumph Through Animal Care Sharren Redmond, who devoted more than 20 years to the police, turned her life around by building an award-winning pet care business after an...
18th July 22 NHS Mental Health Services to Get “Milestone” £150 Million Investment Mental health services across the NHS will receive a huge £150 million investment from the UK government as part of a wide-ranging reform to the...
15th July 22 Almost 90% of Dentists Called to Fix Overseas Treatments Gone Wrong Nine out of 10 Dentists have been called upon to treat patients that have undergone dental treatments abroad, according to a recent survey. The...
13th July 22 Premier Nutrition Receives Food Safety Systems Certification Science and nutrition-driven premix animal feed manufacturers Premier Nutrition have raised the bar for UK businesses by becoming the first of its...
7th July 22 Small UK Businesses with Big Ambitions Set to Get More Investment Having had a track record of success through similar managed investments in the US and Ireland, Beach Point Capital Management has secured £20m...
4th July 22 NHS Announces £127 Million Maternity Boost Maternity services across England are due to receive a huge boost of £127 million in funding from the NHS in a bid to enhance the personalised...
30th June 22 What Types of Physiotherapy are There? Have you ever suffered a sporting injury and needed help getting back on your feet? Do you live with a disability that affects your mobility?...