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International Human Resource Management

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Get in touch with us and we’ll call you back
Business & HR (National Average 51.8%)
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Monday 31st March
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Monday 31st March

International Human Resource Management

For many years, human resource management was seen as the "poor relation" of the business functions. Limited to a low-key administrative role, concerned with employee welfare and payroll administration, or at best a trouble-shooting role concerned with resolving labour-management conflicts, human resource professionals were rarely seen as having any significant role to play in determining the organisation's overall strategy. In the words of Peter Drucker, personnel was the "trash can".

How things have changed. Increasingly, managers are now realising that the key resource determining the effectiveness of an organisation is its human resources: its people. As long ago as the late 1970s and early 1980s, North American and European managers were beginning to realise that what made Japanese businesses so different, so superbly competitive, was their approach to managing people.

The American management consultants, Peters and Waterman, searching for examples of business excellence in the US, decided that the key lay in the distinctive cultures of their "excellent" businesses.

Current debates in strategic management focus on the conditions for the creation of sustainable competitive advantage. It is becoming clear that many of the traditional marketing and product development bases of competitive strategy can be imitated by competitors relatively easily - the advantage gained through such strategies is often simply not sustainable.

This is less the case with human resource management. The way an organisation treats its staff, an organisation's culture and its approach to teamwork and innovation are all potentially distinctive and value-creating characteristics that have the potential to create competitive advantage.

Furthermore, the very idiosyncrasy and social complexity of such characteristics means that once created any advantage is likely to be sustainable simply because competitors will find it difficult to imitate.


Unit 1: Approaches to International Human Resource Management



What is human resource management?

What is international HRM?


Unit 2: Context of International HRM



The organisational context

The cultural context


Unit 3: Staffing the Organisation



Human resource planning

Approaches to international staffing

Expatriate staffing

Integration without parent-country expatriates

Selecting expatriates

Selecting host- and third-country nationals

International differences in selection practices



Unit 4: Managing Performance in an International Context



What is performance management?

Appraising individual performance

Expatriate performance management

Appraising host-country nationals



Unit 5: Training and Developing the International Workforce



Training and career development for expatriates

Training and development of host-country nationals

Training and culture in the local environment

Developing a global perspective



Unit 6: Reward Management for International HRM



Aims of international reward management

Components of international remuneration

Approaches to international reward management


Pay and motivation in an international context



Unit 7: Repatriation Policies and Practices



The repatriation process

Career development issues

Easing the repatriation process



Unit 8: Employee Relations and the International Firm



Trade union recognition

Country of origin and employee relations

Response from labour

Regional integration and employee relations



Unit 9: Issues and Challenges in International HRM



Country case studies: China and India

Social responsibility in an international context

Strategic IHRM




Entry Requirements

There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this course. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds.

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.

Assessment Method

After each lesson there will be a question paper, which needs to be completed and submitted to your personal tutor for marking. This method of continual assessment ensures that your personal tutor can consistently monitor your progress and provide you with assistance throughout the duration of the course.

What's Included

  • All study materials
  • Study Guide
  • Full Tutor and Admin support

Course Text

For this course, you will be required to purchase the following textbook:

Peter J Dowling, Denice E Welch and Randall S Schuler (1999) International Human Resource Management: Managing People in a Multinational Context, third edition, Cincinatti, OH: South-Western College Publishing.

On successful completion of your course you will receive the learndirect Certificate of Completion of Training in International Human Resource Management.

Your course certificate will also state the number of CPD points/hours the course is eligible for.

View a sample of the certificate (opens in new window)

learndirect is one of the largest integrated providers of courses and qualifications, training, and employment services in the UK

  • Each year around 6,000 businesses equip their staff for success with learndirect
  • learndirect have helped more than 75,000 businesses equip their employees with the skills needed to improve productivity.
  • Almost 700,000 maths and English test passes have been achieved with learndirect.
  • 300,000 people fulfilled their career ambitions last year with learndirect.
  • Over 250,000 apprentices have achieved with learndirect.
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Monday 31st March
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Monday 31st March

International Human Resource Management

For many years, human resource management was seen as the "poor relation" of the business functions. Limited to a low-key administrative role, concerned with employee welfare and payroll administration, or at best a trouble-shooting role concerned with resolving labour-management conflicts, human resource professionals were rarely seen as having any significant role to play in determining the organisation's overall strategy. In the words of Peter Drucker, personnel was the "trash can".

How things have changed. Increasingly, managers are now realising that the key resource determining the effectiveness of an organisation is its human resources: its people. As long ago as the late 1970s and early 1980s, North American and European managers were beginning to realise that what made Japanese businesses so different, so superbly competitive, was their approach to managing people.

The American management consultants, Peters and Waterman, searching for examples of business excellence in the US, decided that the key lay in the distinctive cultures of their "excellent" businesses.

Current debates in strategic management focus on the conditions for the creation of sustainable competitive advantage. It is becoming clear that many of the traditional marketing and product development bases of competitive strategy can be imitated by competitors relatively easily - the advantage gained through such strategies is often simply not sustainable.

This is less the case with human resource management. The way an organisation treats its staff, an organisation's culture and its approach to teamwork and innovation are all potentially distinctive and value-creating characteristics that have the potential to create competitive advantage.

Furthermore, the very idiosyncrasy and social complexity of such characteristics means that once created any advantage is likely to be sustainable simply because competitors will find it difficult to imitate.


Unit 1: Approaches to International Human Resource Management



What is human resource management?

What is international HRM?


Unit 2: Context of International HRM



The organisational context

The cultural context


Unit 3: Staffing the Organisation



Human resource planning

Approaches to international staffing

Expatriate staffing

Integration without parent-country expatriates

Selecting expatriates

Selecting host- and third-country nationals

International differences in selection practices



Unit 4: Managing Performance in an International Context



What is performance management?

Appraising individual performance

Expatriate performance management

Appraising host-country nationals



Unit 5: Training and Developing the International Workforce



Training and career development for expatriates

Training and development of host-country nationals

Training and culture in the local environment

Developing a global perspective



Unit 6: Reward Management for International HRM



Aims of international reward management

Components of international remuneration

Approaches to international reward management


Pay and motivation in an international context



Unit 7: Repatriation Policies and Practices



The repatriation process

Career development issues

Easing the repatriation process



Unit 8: Employee Relations and the International Firm



Trade union recognition

Country of origin and employee relations

Response from labour

Regional integration and employee relations



Unit 9: Issues and Challenges in International HRM



Country case studies: China and India

Social responsibility in an international context

Strategic IHRM




Entry Requirements

There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this course. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds.

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.

Excellent Marking


Assessment Method

After each lesson there will be a question paper, which needs to be completed and submitted to your personal tutor for marking. This method of continual assessment ensures that your personal tutor can consistently monitor your progress and provide you with assistance throughout the duration of the course.

What's Included

  • All study materials
  • Study Guide
  • Full Tutor and Admin support

Course Text

For this course, you will be required to purchase the following textbook:

Peter J Dowling, Denice E Welch and Randall S Schuler (1999) International Human Resource Management: Managing People in a Multinational Context, third edition, Cincinatti, OH: South-Western College Publishing.


On successful completion of your course you will receive the learndirect Certificate of Completion of Training in International Human Resource Management.

Your course certificate will also state the number of CPD points/hours the course is eligible for.

View a sample of the certificate (opens in new window)

learndirect is one of the largest integrated providers of courses and qualifications, training, and employment services in the UK

  • Each year around 6,000 businesses equip their staff for success with learndirect
  • learndirect have helped more than 75,000 businesses equip their employees with the skills needed to improve productivity.
  • Almost 700,000 maths and English test passes have been achieved with learndirect.
  • 300,000 people fulfilled their career ambitions last year with learndirect.
  • Over 250,000 apprentices have achieved with learndirect.
Business & HR
(National Average 51.8%)
100% online
0 units
9 guided
learning hours

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