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Study wherever and whenever you want. You’ll have access to your course for two years so you can fit your learning around your other commitments.

Tutor Support Included

Learning remotely doesn’t mean you’re on your own! You’ll be able to message your tutor through our industry-leading learning platform.

Flexible Payment Options

Enrol today from £9.99 deposit & spread the cost over 24 months

Learn At Your Own Pace

Study wherever and whenever you want. You’ll have access to your course for one year so you can fit your learning around your other commitments.

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Effective Parenting Skills

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  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 18th February
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 18th February

Effective Parenting Skills

About the Effective Parenting Skills Certificate

Although some parental instincts surface naturally, the role of a parent is still constantly surprising and challenging. When it comes to raising children, knowledge, information and preparation are key. This online distance learning course has been designed specifically to help expectant or current mothers and fathers hone their parenting skills and discover all they need to know about child behaviour.

Comprised of six informative and engaging distance learning modules, this home learning qualification should be the first port of call for anyone who is training to be a parent. Candidates will discover the importance of active listening, communication and confrontation, all the while learning how to put these skills into practice.

Who should study this course?

This course has been specifically designed for expectant or inexperienced parents who are looking to broaden their knowledge and develop their parenting practice. The course may also come in useful for people who may not be parents, but spend a lot of time around children.

Students do not need any prior qualifications before they enrol on this effective parenting course. At learndirect, all we ask is that our learners are self-motivated and have the drive to embark upon a home study qualification.

What happens after the course?

Although no one can offer fool proof advice on how to be a good parent, this course will equip students with the fundamental knowledge they need to get started on their parental journey. Unlike some other vocational courses, this course is not geared towards a specific career. On successful completion of the qualification, students can set about putting their new found skills into action within their families.

For more information about this course, give us a call on this number: 01202 006 464



False Acceptance


Active Listening

Communication Skills


Entry Requirements

There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this course. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds.

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.

On successful completion of your course you will receive the learndirect Certificate of Completion of Training in Effective Parenting Skills.

Your course certificate will also state the number of CPD points/hours the course is eligible for.

View a sample of the certificate (opens in new window)

learndirect is one of the largest integrated providers of courses and qualifications, training, and employment services in the UK

  • Each year around 6,000 businesses equip their staff for success with learndirect
  • learndirect have helped more than 75,000 businesses equip their employees with the skills needed to improve productivity.
  • Almost 700,000 maths and English test passes have been achieved with learndirect.
  • 300,000 people fulfilled their career ambitions last year with learndirect.
  • Over 250,000 apprentices have achieved with learndirect.
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 18th February
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 18th February

Effective Parenting Skills

About the Effective Parenting Skills Certificate

Although some parental instincts surface naturally, the role of a parent is still constantly surprising and challenging. When it comes to raising children, knowledge, information and preparation are key. This online distance learning course has been designed specifically to help expectant or current mothers and fathers hone their parenting skills and discover all they need to know about child behaviour.

Comprised of six informative and engaging distance learning modules, this home learning qualification should be the first port of call for anyone who is training to be a parent. Candidates will discover the importance of active listening, communication and confrontation, all the while learning how to put these skills into practice.

Who should study this course?

This course has been specifically designed for expectant or inexperienced parents who are looking to broaden their knowledge and develop their parenting practice. The course may also come in useful for people who may not be parents, but spend a lot of time around children.

Students do not need any prior qualifications before they enrol on this effective parenting course. At learndirect, all we ask is that our learners are self-motivated and have the drive to embark upon a home study qualification.

What happens after the course?

Although no one can offer fool proof advice on how to be a good parent, this course will equip students with the fundamental knowledge they need to get started on their parental journey. Unlike some other vocational courses, this course is not geared towards a specific career. On successful completion of the qualification, students can set about putting their new found skills into action within their families.

For more information about this course, give us a call on this number: 01202 006 464



False Acceptance


Active Listening

Communication Skills


Entry Requirements

There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this course. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds.

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.


On successful completion of your course you will receive the learndirect Certificate of Completion of Training in Effective Parenting Skills.

Your course certificate will also state the number of CPD points/hours the course is eligible for.

View a sample of the certificate (opens in new window)

learndirect is one of the largest integrated providers of courses and qualifications, training, and employment services in the UK

  • Each year around 6,000 businesses equip their staff for success with learndirect
  • learndirect have helped more than 75,000 businesses equip their employees with the skills needed to improve productivity.
  • Almost 700,000 maths and English test passes have been achieved with learndirect.
  • 300,000 people fulfilled their career ambitions last year with learndirect.
  • Over 250,000 apprentices have achieved with learndirect.
100% online
0 units
6 guided
learning hours

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