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Tutor Support Included

Learning remotely doesn’t mean you’re on your own! You’ll be able to message your tutor through our industry-leading learning platform.

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Learn At Your Own Pace

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NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma for Working in the Early Years Sector (Early Years Educator)

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Get in touch with us and we’ll call you back
Teaching & Education (National Average 73.8%)

This Course at a Glance

  • Get fully qualified as an Early Years' Educator
  • Achieve a nationally recognised qualification
  • No previous experience necessary to enrol
  • Develop the skills needed to work with children aged up to 7
  • Approved by quality care organisation NCFE CACHE
  • Blend of online learning and practical placement
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 18th February
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 18th February
Add Higher Level Teaching Assistants L4 Certificate - save 5% buying as a bundle

NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma for Working in the Early Years Sector (Early Years Educator)

This Course at a Glance

  • Get fully qualified as an Early Years' Educator
  • Achieve a nationally recognised qualification
  • No previous experience necessary to enrol
  • Develop the skills needed to work with children aged up to 7
  • Approved by quality care organisation NCFE CACHE
  • Blend of online learning and practical placement


This qualification is designed to prepare learners with the knowledge, skills and understanding to enter work in an early years setting and be included in staff:child ratios. This qualification includes both knowledge and skills that meet the Department for Education Early Years Educator (DfE EYE) criteria in full and is written in line with Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework.

For those looking to train in EYE this is the ideal qualification. Approved by NCFE CACHE – the specialist organisation dedicated to quality care for children and adults –this distance learning course is officially recognised by employers in the early years’ sector.

By the end of this online course, not only will you possess the knowledge, skills and confidence for a successful career in early years education, but you will also have a nationally-recognised qualification that you’ll have obtained from the comfort of your home.

This Level 3 childcare course is suitable for anyone looking to work with children, regardless of any previous experience or education. It is the only course that will allow you to practise as a fully-qualified early years’ educator via distance learning. Direct observation is required as part of this course but your assessor will support you through this. You will also be required to carry out a placement in a suitable environment as part of your training.

On average learners will take between 12 - 18 months to complete this course.

Your Tailored Career Support Service

Through our partnership with the Education Placement Group (EPG), graduates of the NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma for Working in the Early Years Sector (Early Years Educator) will benefit from specialised job placement support tailored to the early years sector.

EPG, with its expert recruitment brands like justteachers and Supply Desk, helps connect graduates to roles in nurseries, early years settings, and schools across the UK. With the Career Support Service, you’re fully prepared to enter and thrive in an early years teaching career.


Module 1: Introduction to the role of the early years educator

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the professional roles and responsibilities required to work in an early years setting
  • Understand procedures that must be adhered to in the work setting and their importance
  • Understand the role of supervision
  • Understand professional development
  • Be able to use and model good communication skills, including a good command of the English language in spoken and written form
  • Be able to explain own role, responsibilities and expected behaviours, and the roles of colleagues in the setting and team
  • Be able to explain how our own and others' behaviour can impact babies and children and the importance of role-modelling positive behaviours
  • Be confident in supporting or challenging the practice of colleagues, including difficult conversations
  • Be able to follow procedures in the work setting including, where appropriate, updating and developing policies and procedures
  • Be able to foster a culture of mutual support, teamwork and continuous improvement that encourages confidential discussion of sensitive issues, through effective supervision at all stages of career
  • Be able to seek out feedback from others and use reflection to identify and support career development and personal goals

Module 2: Holistic child development

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the expected patterns of babies' and children's development from conception to seven years old
  • Understand key milestones for holistic development from birth to seven years
  • Understand the influence of key individuals and the importance of attachements that shape babies' and children's social world and underpin their holistic learning and development
  • Understand the significance of physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing for babies' and children's development
  • Understand co-regulation and self-regulation in children
  • Understand a range of evidence-based theories and research that underpin early years development
  • Be able to prepare and support babies and children through transitions and significant events in their lives
  • Be able to support children to form positive attachments
  • Be able to promote health and wellbeing in settings working with babies and children from birth to 5 years
  • Be able to support children to develop a positive sense of self and to recognise, understand and manage their emotions, including supporting a child’s understanding of differing emotional reactions and what may or may not be appropriate
  • Be able to apply evidence based theories in practice, and as appropriate, based on a clear understanding of cognitive science (reliable theory)

Module 3: Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Know about legislation and guidance for children and young people with SEND
  • Understand that there are appropriate strategies for supporting a baby or child with SEND
  • Understand that there are specialist aids, resources, and equipment available to support babies and children with SEND
  • Be able to explain and apply the early years foundation stage statutory framework and SEND code of practice in relation to the care and education of babies and children with SEND through a graduated approach
  • Be able to work effectively in partnership with others (or alongside colleagues), including parents and carers, to promote and implement appropriate strategies for supporting the progress of babies and children with SEND
  • Be able to effectively carry out a child’s care plan (or shadow a colleague) alongside parents and carers, including the initial assessment, implementation, and ongoing review
  • Be able to promote and encourage a working environment that values and respects the individual developmental needs and stages of babies and children with SEND
  • Be able to use specialist aids, resources and equipment available to support babies and children with SEND
  • Be able to analyse and explain how cultural background and family circumstances can impact on babies’ and children’s learning and development

Module 4: Effective communication in an early years setting

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the impact of an effective communication and language curriculum that offers positive benefits to babies and children’s development
  • Understand that children develop at their own pace in language development and can experience speech and language difficulties
  • Understand that there are ways to communicate with all children, appropriate for their stages of development
  • Be able to develop, support and promote babies’ and children’s speech, language, and communication through effective planned adult interactions
  • Be able to identify delays in communication development and describe appropriate support services for babies and children
  • Be able to communicate with all children in ways that will be understood, including verbal and non-verbal communication, to extend their learning and development
  • Be able to help children to catch up with language development through planned use of pronunciations, words and phrases
  • Be able to adapt teaching approaches as appropriate to ensure children with speech and language difficulties and those for whom English is an additional language (EAL) are supported to catch-up
  • Be able to apply a range of communication methods for effective collaborative working

Module 5: Safeguarding and welfare requirements

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the signs of harm and the different types of abuse and what these are
  • Understand legislation, policy and procedure in relation to keeping children safe
  • Understand an early years educator’s role and responsibilities in relation to keeping children and colleagues safe
  • Be able to recognise when a baby or child is in danger or at risk of abuse, including online and know how to act to protect them
  • Be able to find and stay updated on employer, local and national safeguarding policies and procedures as set out in statutory and non-statutory guidance
  • Be able to follow Ofsted’s whistleblowing policy to pass on information that, where it is reasonable to believe, shows wrongdoing or a cover-up by an employer’s organisation. This might be about activity that is illegal, risks others’ health and safety, is about poor practice or fails to meet statutory requirements
  • Be able to carry out own role and act upon responsibilities, including providing appropriate supervision of others in relation to safeguarding and security, including child protection, duty of care, reporting and confidentiality of information

Module 6: Health, wellbeing and safety

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand legal requirements and statutory guidance as well as other non-statutory guidance on health and safety
  • Understand it is important to ensure equipment, furniture, and materials are used safely and the dangers of not doing so
  • Understand the role of policy and procedure in maintaining the health, wellbeing and safety of babies and children
  • Understand that it is important to prevent and control infection
  • Understand the signs and symptoms of a child who is unwell or injured
  • Understand that it is important for babies and children to have a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet
  • Understand that it is important for babies and children to be physically active
  • Understand the importance of risk versus benefit
  • Be able to use equipment, furniture and materials safely following the manufacturer’s instructions and setting’s requirements, with regard for sleep safety. Assist others in the safe use of: Equipment, furniture, materials
  • Be able to identify and act upon own responsibilities in relation to: Health, safety, wellbeing
  • Be able to carry out risk assessments and risk management in line with: Employer, local and national requirements, policies and procedures
  • Be able to maintain accurate and coherent records and reports and share information, when appropriate, to ensure the needs of all children are met
  • Be able to explain, plan, and carry out respectful care routines appropriate to the development, stage, dignity and needs of babies and children to include the cultural, race, religion and belief systems
  • Be able to implement effective strategies for preventing and controlling infection
  • Be able to respond and take appropriate action to accidents and emergency situations
  • Be able to share information with parents and carers

Module 7: Promoting an effective early years curriculum

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand how evidence-based philosophical and pedagogical approaches influence the early years foundation stage that sets out the early education curriculum requirements from birth to age five
  • Understand that all children and young people are entitled to an education, appropriate to their needs, which promotes high standards and the fulfilment of potential
  • Understand how the curriculum and pedagogical approaches to teaching are planned and adapted to create experiences and opportunities for children which appreciate that children are likely to have different levels of prior experience and knowledge including how adaptive pedagogy promotes learning for all
  • Understand that a carefully planned and sequenced curriculum is essential for all children, in recognition of their needs and interests, to include adult led explicit teaching, as well as child-initiated experiences
  • Understand that the learning environment, both indoors and outdoors, is a resource that supports the implementation of the curriculum
  • Promote equality of opportunity in the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with SEND
  • Be able to plan educational programmes that reflect the needs and interests of the children
  • Be able to use appropriate curriculum and practice support, such as the non statutory Development Matters guidance
  • Be able to respond to the needs and interests of the child, to support intended learning
  • Be able to reflect on the impact of pedagogical approaches and values on the environment in an early years setting
  • Be able to select and combine the best pedagogical approaches, based on the curriculum and children’s prior knowledge
  • Be able to adapt teaching to suit babies’ and children’s different starting points, experience and knowledge

Module 8: Assessment of children's learning and development

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the role of assessment in helping parents, carers and educators recognise children’s progress
  • Understand that there are different assessment methods and techniques, which inform what we know about children’s progress and the planning cycle
  • Understand the role of the early years educator for effective and accurate, proportionate assessment
  • Understand the key stages in assessing children’s progress
  • Be able to discuss children’s progress and plan the next stages in their learning with the key person, colleagues, parents or carers
  • Be able to use information from assessment to adjust curriculum and plans so that any gaps in children’s learning are addressed and support the child’s development
  • Be able to carry out assessment effectively, plan and record the outcomes, and share results accurately and confidentially in line with the early years foundation stage statutory framework and setting’s requirements

Module 9: Understanding play for holistic development and learning

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand theories of play and its fundamental role in learning and development
  • Understand the significance of play for learning and development
  • Understand play at different stages of babies’ and children’s development
  • Understand different types of play for all children
  • Understand inclusive play practice
  • Be able to plan, lead and evaluate play opportunities in an early years setting
  • Be able to lead and support inclusive play experiences
  • Be able to apply theoretical perspectives and philosophical approaches in planning play opportunities

Module 10: Partnership working

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the importance of developing and maintaining good relationships and partnerships in an early years setting
  • Understand the significance of parent and carer engagement
  • Understand how to build and sustain relationships with all parents and carers
  • Understand the importance of professional relationships with colleagues, other organisations, and agencies in working with and supporting early years settings and children
  • Understand that setting leaders need to collaborate and work with colleagues and other relevant professionals within and beyond their setting to ensure babies and children progress well in their learning
  • Understand that it is important to be an advocate for the babies and children
  • Understand that Ofsted is responsible for the regulation and inspection of early years provision
  • Be able to work in partnership with parents and carers to help them recognise and value the significant contributions they make to the child’s health, wellbeing, and learning and development
  • Be able to encourage parents and carers to take an active role in their baby’s or child’s care, play, and learning and development
  • Be able to explain the roles and responsibilities of other agencies and professionals that work with and support the setting and children, both statutory and non-statutory, and be familiar with statutory and non-statutory guidance to support this
  • Be able to work co-operatively and communicate effectively with key persons, colleagues, other professionals, and agencies to meet the needs of babies and children and enable them to progress
  • Be able to make additional provisions to support babies’ and children’s education and development where they lack this support from parents and carers
  • Be able to work effectively and confidently with Ofsted, including having confidence in using Ofsted’s early years inspection framework

Entry Requirements

Learners are required to have achieved a GCSE grade C or higher in English before completing the course, in order to use the qualification. This is required to meet the Early Years Educator status and be counted in ratio at Level 3 in employment.

Minimum Age restriction


Average completion timeframe

The average completion time for this course is 12-18 months.

Assessment requirements

Assessments will be carried out using various evaluation mediums such as, observation of practice, witness statements, reflections, case studies, placement log and written questions.

Placement or Practical required

Placement is required for the length of this course, with a minimum of 350 hours being achieved. Learners must spend time with each of the following age ranges:

• 0-11 months 

• 2 – 2 years 11 Months 

• 3 - 5years

Learners may require more than one placement (depending on the age range in each placement) and learners who are in employment may need to find additional placements if their current workplace does not cover all 3 age groups.

If placement or practical required, when?

Work placement is required throughout the qualification.

Exams required

Direct observation in the workplace is required with this course. There will be visits from our Assessor to observe the learner in their work setting, with the age group the learner works mostly with.

Is Membership Required?

No Membership

Observation by us required

Direct Observations by our Assessors, in the work environment, are required with this course.

Certification Timeframe

You can expect to receive your certification within 12 weeks of successfully completing the qualification. Please note this can be longer if a EQA sample is required

Course Fees

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.

Our course is designed to be as flexible as possible and allows you to fit it in with your existing commitments. Unlike a traditional college (where you are required to attend lessons at set times) you will be able to study the theory element in your own time (within the 2 years you have access) and in the privacy of your own home either online.

After each lesson there will be a question paper which needs to be completed and submitted to your assessor for marking. Some of the assignments, towards the end of your course will require audio, or audio-visual evidence to be submitted to demonstrate, for example, a Professional Discussion with your tutor. Please note that we will never expect you to provide video evidence of your work with children.

This method of continual assessment ensures that your assessor can consistently monitor your progress and provide you with assistance throughout the duration of the course.

As part of the assessment for this qualification, you will be required to undergo direct observation in a suitable environment. 

You should allow at least 1 - 2 hours of study to complete each question paper. The approximate amount of time required to complete the course is 486 hrs.


On completion of this course you will receive the NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma for Working in the Early Years Sector (Early Years Educator) qualification. This qualification is listed on the QCF (Qualification Number: 610/4164/6). NCFE CACHE is the UK's only specialist awarding organisation for the children and adult care sectors.



Developing your career

At the end of this early years’ educator course, you will be a fully qualified early years’ educator at Level 3. You will be able to have a career working with children or earn as a self-employed carer, whilst looking after your own family. You will be able to work in the statutory, voluntary or private sectors as a:

  • Nursery nurse
  • Nursery practitioner
  • Early years educator
  • Pre-school or day nursery practitioner or assistant
  • Nursery worker
  • Home-based child-carer
  • Nanny
  • Child-minder

  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 18th February
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 18th February
Add Higher Level Teaching Assistants L4 Certificate - save 5% buying as a bundle

NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma for Working in the Early Years Sector (Early Years Educator)

This Course at a Glance

  • Get fully qualified as an Early Years' Educator
  • Achieve a nationally recognised qualification
  • No previous experience necessary to enrol
  • Develop the skills needed to work with children aged up to 7
  • Approved by quality care organisation NCFE CACHE
  • Blend of online learning and practical placement


This qualification is designed to prepare learners with the knowledge, skills and understanding to enter work in an early years setting and be included in staff:child ratios. This qualification includes both knowledge and skills that meet the Department for Education Early Years Educator (DfE EYE) criteria in full and is written in line with Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework.

For those looking to train in EYE this is the ideal qualification. Approved by NCFE CACHE – the specialist organisation dedicated to quality care for children and adults –this distance learning course is officially recognised by employers in the early years’ sector.

By the end of this online course, not only will you possess the knowledge, skills and confidence for a successful career in early years education, but you will also have a nationally-recognised qualification that you’ll have obtained from the comfort of your home.

This Level 3 childcare course is suitable for anyone looking to work with children, regardless of any previous experience or education. It is the only course that will allow you to practise as a fully-qualified early years’ educator via distance learning. Direct observation is required as part of this course but your assessor will support you through this. You will also be required to carry out a placement in a suitable environment as part of your training.

On average learners will take between 12 - 18 months to complete this course.

Your Tailored Career Support Service

Through our partnership with the Education Placement Group (EPG), graduates of the NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma for Working in the Early Years Sector (Early Years Educator) will benefit from specialised job placement support tailored to the early years sector.

EPG, with its expert recruitment brands like justteachers and Supply Desk, helps connect graduates to roles in nurseries, early years settings, and schools across the UK. With the Career Support Service, you’re fully prepared to enter and thrive in an early years teaching career.


Module 1: Introduction to the role of the early years educator

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the professional roles and responsibilities required to work in an early years setting
  • Understand procedures that must be adhered to in the work setting and their importance
  • Understand the role of supervision
  • Understand professional development
  • Be able to use and model good communication skills, including a good command of the English language in spoken and written form
  • Be able to explain own role, responsibilities and expected behaviours, and the roles of colleagues in the setting and team
  • Be able to explain how our own and others' behaviour can impact babies and children and the importance of role-modelling positive behaviours
  • Be confident in supporting or challenging the practice of colleagues, including difficult conversations
  • Be able to follow procedures in the work setting including, where appropriate, updating and developing policies and procedures
  • Be able to foster a culture of mutual support, teamwork and continuous improvement that encourages confidential discussion of sensitive issues, through effective supervision at all stages of career
  • Be able to seek out feedback from others and use reflection to identify and support career development and personal goals

Module 2: Holistic child development

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the expected patterns of babies' and children's development from conception to seven years old
  • Understand key milestones for holistic development from birth to seven years
  • Understand the influence of key individuals and the importance of attachements that shape babies' and children's social world and underpin their holistic learning and development
  • Understand the significance of physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing for babies' and children's development
  • Understand co-regulation and self-regulation in children
  • Understand a range of evidence-based theories and research that underpin early years development
  • Be able to prepare and support babies and children through transitions and significant events in their lives
  • Be able to support children to form positive attachments
  • Be able to promote health and wellbeing in settings working with babies and children from birth to 5 years
  • Be able to support children to develop a positive sense of self and to recognise, understand and manage their emotions, including supporting a child’s understanding of differing emotional reactions and what may or may not be appropriate
  • Be able to apply evidence based theories in practice, and as appropriate, based on a clear understanding of cognitive science (reliable theory)

Module 3: Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Know about legislation and guidance for children and young people with SEND
  • Understand that there are appropriate strategies for supporting a baby or child with SEND
  • Understand that there are specialist aids, resources, and equipment available to support babies and children with SEND
  • Be able to explain and apply the early years foundation stage statutory framework and SEND code of practice in relation to the care and education of babies and children with SEND through a graduated approach
  • Be able to work effectively in partnership with others (or alongside colleagues), including parents and carers, to promote and implement appropriate strategies for supporting the progress of babies and children with SEND
  • Be able to effectively carry out a child’s care plan (or shadow a colleague) alongside parents and carers, including the initial assessment, implementation, and ongoing review
  • Be able to promote and encourage a working environment that values and respects the individual developmental needs and stages of babies and children with SEND
  • Be able to use specialist aids, resources and equipment available to support babies and children with SEND
  • Be able to analyse and explain how cultural background and family circumstances can impact on babies’ and children’s learning and development

Module 4: Effective communication in an early years setting

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the impact of an effective communication and language curriculum that offers positive benefits to babies and children’s development
  • Understand that children develop at their own pace in language development and can experience speech and language difficulties
  • Understand that there are ways to communicate with all children, appropriate for their stages of development
  • Be able to develop, support and promote babies’ and children’s speech, language, and communication through effective planned adult interactions
  • Be able to identify delays in communication development and describe appropriate support services for babies and children
  • Be able to communicate with all children in ways that will be understood, including verbal and non-verbal communication, to extend their learning and development
  • Be able to help children to catch up with language development through planned use of pronunciations, words and phrases
  • Be able to adapt teaching approaches as appropriate to ensure children with speech and language difficulties and those for whom English is an additional language (EAL) are supported to catch-up
  • Be able to apply a range of communication methods for effective collaborative working

Module 5: Safeguarding and welfare requirements

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the signs of harm and the different types of abuse and what these are
  • Understand legislation, policy and procedure in relation to keeping children safe
  • Understand an early years educator’s role and responsibilities in relation to keeping children and colleagues safe
  • Be able to recognise when a baby or child is in danger or at risk of abuse, including online and know how to act to protect them
  • Be able to find and stay updated on employer, local and national safeguarding policies and procedures as set out in statutory and non-statutory guidance
  • Be able to follow Ofsted’s whistleblowing policy to pass on information that, where it is reasonable to believe, shows wrongdoing or a cover-up by an employer’s organisation. This might be about activity that is illegal, risks others’ health and safety, is about poor practice or fails to meet statutory requirements
  • Be able to carry out own role and act upon responsibilities, including providing appropriate supervision of others in relation to safeguarding and security, including child protection, duty of care, reporting and confidentiality of information

Module 6: Health, wellbeing and safety

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand legal requirements and statutory guidance as well as other non-statutory guidance on health and safety
  • Understand it is important to ensure equipment, furniture, and materials are used safely and the dangers of not doing so
  • Understand the role of policy and procedure in maintaining the health, wellbeing and safety of babies and children
  • Understand that it is important to prevent and control infection
  • Understand the signs and symptoms of a child who is unwell or injured
  • Understand that it is important for babies and children to have a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet
  • Understand that it is important for babies and children to be physically active
  • Understand the importance of risk versus benefit
  • Be able to use equipment, furniture and materials safely following the manufacturer’s instructions and setting’s requirements, with regard for sleep safety. Assist others in the safe use of: Equipment, furniture, materials
  • Be able to identify and act upon own responsibilities in relation to: Health, safety, wellbeing
  • Be able to carry out risk assessments and risk management in line with: Employer, local and national requirements, policies and procedures
  • Be able to maintain accurate and coherent records and reports and share information, when appropriate, to ensure the needs of all children are met
  • Be able to explain, plan, and carry out respectful care routines appropriate to the development, stage, dignity and needs of babies and children to include the cultural, race, religion and belief systems
  • Be able to implement effective strategies for preventing and controlling infection
  • Be able to respond and take appropriate action to accidents and emergency situations
  • Be able to share information with parents and carers

Module 7: Promoting an effective early years curriculum

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand how evidence-based philosophical and pedagogical approaches influence the early years foundation stage that sets out the early education curriculum requirements from birth to age five
  • Understand that all children and young people are entitled to an education, appropriate to their needs, which promotes high standards and the fulfilment of potential
  • Understand how the curriculum and pedagogical approaches to teaching are planned and adapted to create experiences and opportunities for children which appreciate that children are likely to have different levels of prior experience and knowledge including how adaptive pedagogy promotes learning for all
  • Understand that a carefully planned and sequenced curriculum is essential for all children, in recognition of their needs and interests, to include adult led explicit teaching, as well as child-initiated experiences
  • Understand that the learning environment, both indoors and outdoors, is a resource that supports the implementation of the curriculum
  • Promote equality of opportunity in the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with SEND
  • Be able to plan educational programmes that reflect the needs and interests of the children
  • Be able to use appropriate curriculum and practice support, such as the non statutory Development Matters guidance
  • Be able to respond to the needs and interests of the child, to support intended learning
  • Be able to reflect on the impact of pedagogical approaches and values on the environment in an early years setting
  • Be able to select and combine the best pedagogical approaches, based on the curriculum and children’s prior knowledge
  • Be able to adapt teaching to suit babies’ and children’s different starting points, experience and knowledge

Module 8: Assessment of children's learning and development

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the role of assessment in helping parents, carers and educators recognise children’s progress
  • Understand that there are different assessment methods and techniques, which inform what we know about children’s progress and the planning cycle
  • Understand the role of the early years educator for effective and accurate, proportionate assessment
  • Understand the key stages in assessing children’s progress
  • Be able to discuss children’s progress and plan the next stages in their learning with the key person, colleagues, parents or carers
  • Be able to use information from assessment to adjust curriculum and plans so that any gaps in children’s learning are addressed and support the child’s development
  • Be able to carry out assessment effectively, plan and record the outcomes, and share results accurately and confidentially in line with the early years foundation stage statutory framework and setting’s requirements

Module 9: Understanding play for holistic development and learning

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand theories of play and its fundamental role in learning and development
  • Understand the significance of play for learning and development
  • Understand play at different stages of babies’ and children’s development
  • Understand different types of play for all children
  • Understand inclusive play practice
  • Be able to plan, lead and evaluate play opportunities in an early years setting
  • Be able to lead and support inclusive play experiences
  • Be able to apply theoretical perspectives and philosophical approaches in planning play opportunities

Module 10: Partnership working

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the importance of developing and maintaining good relationships and partnerships in an early years setting
  • Understand the significance of parent and carer engagement
  • Understand how to build and sustain relationships with all parents and carers
  • Understand the importance of professional relationships with colleagues, other organisations, and agencies in working with and supporting early years settings and children
  • Understand that setting leaders need to collaborate and work with colleagues and other relevant professionals within and beyond their setting to ensure babies and children progress well in their learning
  • Understand that it is important to be an advocate for the babies and children
  • Understand that Ofsted is responsible for the regulation and inspection of early years provision
  • Be able to work in partnership with parents and carers to help them recognise and value the significant contributions they make to the child’s health, wellbeing, and learning and development
  • Be able to encourage parents and carers to take an active role in their baby’s or child’s care, play, and learning and development
  • Be able to explain the roles and responsibilities of other agencies and professionals that work with and support the setting and children, both statutory and non-statutory, and be familiar with statutory and non-statutory guidance to support this
  • Be able to work co-operatively and communicate effectively with key persons, colleagues, other professionals, and agencies to meet the needs of babies and children and enable them to progress
  • Be able to make additional provisions to support babies’ and children’s education and development where they lack this support from parents and carers
  • Be able to work effectively and confidently with Ofsted, including having confidence in using Ofsted’s early years inspection framework

Entry Requirements

Learners are required to have achieved a GCSE grade C or higher in English before completing the course, in order to use the qualification. This is required to meet the Early Years Educator status and be counted in ratio at Level 3 in employment.

Minimum Age restriction


Average completion timeframe

The average completion time for this course is 12-18 months.

Assessment requirements

Assessments will be carried out using various evaluation mediums such as, observation of practice, witness statements, reflections, case studies, placement log and written questions.

Placement or Practical required

Placement is required for the length of this course, with a minimum of 350 hours being achieved. Learners must spend time with each of the following age ranges:

• 0-11 months 

• 2 – 2 years 11 Months 

• 3 - 5years

Learners may require more than one placement (depending on the age range in each placement) and learners who are in employment may need to find additional placements if their current workplace does not cover all 3 age groups.

If placement or practical required, when?

Work placement is required throughout the qualification.

Exams required

Direct observation in the workplace is required with this course. There will be visits from our Assessor to observe the learner in their work setting, with the age group the learner works mostly with.

Is Membership Required?

No Membership

Observation by us required

Direct Observations by our Assessors, in the work environment, are required with this course.

Certification Timeframe

You can expect to receive your certification within 12 weeks of successfully completing the qualification. Please note this can be longer if a EQA sample is required

Course Fees

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.

Excellent Marking


Our course is designed to be as flexible as possible and allows you to fit it in with your existing commitments. Unlike a traditional college (where you are required to attend lessons at set times) you will be able to study the theory element in your own time (within the 2 years you have access) and in the privacy of your own home either online.

After each lesson there will be a question paper which needs to be completed and submitted to your assessor for marking. Some of the assignments, towards the end of your course will require audio, or audio-visual evidence to be submitted to demonstrate, for example, a Professional Discussion with your tutor. Please note that we will never expect you to provide video evidence of your work with children.

This method of continual assessment ensures that your assessor can consistently monitor your progress and provide you with assistance throughout the duration of the course.

As part of the assessment for this qualification, you will be required to undergo direct observation in a suitable environment. 

You should allow at least 1 - 2 hours of study to complete each question paper. The approximate amount of time required to complete the course is 486 hrs.



On completion of this course you will receive the NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma for Working in the Early Years Sector (Early Years Educator) qualification. This qualification is listed on the QCF (Qualification Number: 610/4164/6). NCFE CACHE is the UK's only specialist awarding organisation for the children and adult care sectors.



Developing your career

At the end of this early years’ educator course, you will be a fully qualified early years’ educator at Level 3. You will be able to have a career working with children or earn as a self-employed carer, whilst looking after your own family. You will be able to work in the statutory, voluntary or private sectors as a:

  • Nursery nurse
  • Nursery practitioner
  • Early years educator
  • Pre-school or day nursery practitioner or assistant
  • Nursery worker
  • Home-based child-carer
  • Nanny
  • Child-minder

Salary Indicator

Salary Projection
Entry Level Salary
Average Salary
Experienced Salary
Average Salary
after completing

You can earn an average of £19,000 a year

Teaching & Education
(National Average 73.8%)
100% online
10 units
864 guided
learning hours

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