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Study wherever and whenever you want. You’ll have access to your course for two years so you can fit your learning around your other commitments.

Tutor Support Included

Learning remotely doesn’t mean you’re on your own! You’ll be able to message your tutor through our industry-leading learning platform.

Flexible Payment Options

Enrol today from £9.99 deposit & spread the cost over 24 months

Learn At Your Own Pace

Study wherever and whenever you want. You’ll have access to your course for one year so you can fit your learning around your other commitments.

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Access to Higher Education Diploma (Radiography)

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Access to Higher Education Diplomas (National Average 78.4%)
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 18th March
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 18th March
Add GCSE English Language and Maths - save 5% buying as a bundle

Access to Higher Education Diploma (Radiography)

Your Course at a Glance

  • Go to university without A Levels
  • Explore the properties and applications of the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Get prepared for degree-level study
  • Kick-start a career in radiography
  • Study from the comfort of your own home
  • No exams

About Your Diploma

Radiography is a crucial part of healthcare practices as it is a technique that is used across the board. This form of imaging is used to detect abnormalities or issues relating to the human body, from bones to organs.

To take and diagnose these images, you need to be a trained professional, and if this is something that interests you, then you can begin your career path by studying for an Access to Higher Education Diploma (Radiography).

You will study the structure and function of cells, atoms, bonds and structure, plus waves, ECGs and radiography.

As part of your studies, you will also explore radioactivity in medicine as well as professionalism and multidisciplinary teams.

The course, and the degree you’ll be eligible to study after, will provide you with a diverse range of knowledge and skills that will be invaluable wherever your career takes you.

An Access to Higher Education Diploma is the equivalent to 3 A Levels and it is widely accepted as the alternative to A Levels during university applications. Please note, though, that you should check with your chosen university before applying.

The purpose of this course is to not only provide you with foundational knowledge about radiography, but also enhance your study skills to help you navigate through your degree.

Getting Started

The course is developed by subject experts, in conjunction with universities to ensure the material will be of the greatest value to you when you start your degree.

This Access to Higher Education Diploma (Radiography) is an online course that gives you the freedom to study from the comfort of your own home. You will also be able to begin learning as soon as you enrol as you will be given 24/7 access to all the course materials you need.

As part of your course, you will be provided with an Individual Learning Plan that outlines the submission deadlines for your assignments to help keep you on track throughout your studies. An Access to Higher Education Diploma can be completed over two years although on average, learners take 9 months to achieve their qualification.

learndirect is the UK’s leading online course provider, so you can be confident that you will get the support you need to succeed. In addition to our industry-leading learning platform, we’ll also provide you with a dedicated team of tutors who will help you throughout your studies. They will answer questions, mark your assignments, and provide detailed feedback. This will allow you to get the best possible grade and meet your learning goals


Module 1: Academic Writing Skills

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Be able to structure a written response
  • Be able to develop a structured response to a plan
  • Be able to present the response appropriately for audience and purpose
  • Understand how to apply academic writing principles to own work

Module 2: Reading and Note Making

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand a range of reading strategies
  • Understand the use of language in terms of the purpose and context of a range of texts
  • Be able to use methods for developing notes from a range of sources

Module 3: The Structure and Function of Cells

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand cellular structure and organisation
  • Understand cellular activity
  • Understand the cell cycle

Module 4: Atoms, Bonds and Structure

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand atomic structure
  • Understand bonding, structure and properties
  • Understand intermolecular forces

Module 5: The Properties and Applications of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand electromagnetic waves
  • Understand visible and ultraviolet light including their applications
  • Understand microwaves and infrared light
  • Understand ultraviolet light and infrared light in terms of their potential to become hazardous
  • Understand the use of x-rays in medical settings

Module 6: Human Musculoskeletal System

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the human skeleton and how it relates to locomotion
  • Know how muscles contract
  • Understand the development of bone

Module 7: Professionalism and Multidisciplinary Teams

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the impact of changes to the roles and responsibilities of a chosen health care professional
  • Understand regulation as a chosen health care professional
  • Understand the multidisciplinary team working in a chosen health care

Module 8: The Laws of Physics

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand force and motion
  • Understand energy conservation and momentum
  • Understand wave motion
  • Understand reflection and refraction
  • Understand magnetism and electrical current behaviours

Module 9: Chemistry of Drugs and Medicines

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the key definitions used in medicinal chemistry
  • Understand the significance of the molecular structure of drugs upon their function
  • Understand analytic methods used for drug detection
  • Understand the importance of isomerism in drug action
  • Understand the common processes involved in drug design

Module 10: The Cause and Control of Disease

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand categories and causes of human disease
  • Understand the epidemiology of a named disease
  • Understand measures for disease prevention

Module 11: Medical Physics: Waves ECGs and Radiography

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the structure and operation of the eye and the correction of simple eye defects
  • Be able to explain the structure of the ear, the process of hearing and identify and explain simple methods of detecting hearing abnormalities through interpretation of simple tests
  • Be able to describe the electromagnetic spectrum and explain how different types of electromagnetic waves are used in medical physics
  • Be able to distinguish between medical uses of ultrasound imaging techniques
  • Understand and explain therapeutic uses of radioactivity
  • Be able to define, explain and apply those techniques used to monitor the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems

Module 12: Nervous System

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the basic structure and function of the nervous system
  • Understand the nature of nerve impulses
  • Understand the principles of synaptic transmission

Module 13: Waves and Optics

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand concepts associated with waves
  • Understand wave properties
  • Understand simple optics
  • Be able to illustrate the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Understand the effects of diffraction and two source interference of waves

Module 14: Kinetics, Energetics, Equilibria and Acid-Base Equilibria

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand chemical kinetics
  • Understand energetics
  • Understand chemical equilibria
  • Understand acid-base equilibria

Module 15: Radioactivity in Medicine

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the nature of radioactive decay
  • Understand the need for safety precautions when handling radioactive isotopes
  • Understand the beneficial uses of radioactive isotopes

In addition to the qualification units, you will also be required to complete short introductory tasks at the start of your course to support the development of your academic study skills.

Entry Requirements

To study an Access to HE Diploma you must be resident in the UK and have a UK postcode.

You must hold Level 2 qualifications in both English and Maths, or be working towards them alongside studying your Access to Higher Education Diploma.

University Entry Criteria

It must be reiterated that each university will set its own admission criteria. So, you must check with your desired institution if your Access to HE Diploma and other qualifications will be accepted. In many cases, to get started at university you will need: - A certain number of credits passed with a merit or a distinction grade - A face-to-face interview at the university - Literacy and numeracy assessments provided by the university - Course-related work placements or work experience - GCSE Grade C/4 or above in Maths and English (or equivalent Level 2 such as Functional Skills/Key Skills, etc.) It is your responsibility to check that your Access to HE Diploma will be accepted as part of these entry requirements for your chosen degree. learndirect will not be held accountable if completing this Access to Higher Education Diploma doesn’t secure you a position with a higher education institution.

Minimum age restriction

Access to HE Diplomas are designed to support students to progress to university who have substantial experience of life outside of formal education which they have gained since completing compulsory schooling.

Average completion timeframe

The average time it takes our learners to complete the course is 9-12 months.

Assessment requirements

A range of assessment methodologies are used, including: essay, scenario analysis, illustrated report, experiment, presentation (video and audio recording), series of questions, academic writing skills tasks.

In addition to the qualification units, you will also be required to complete short introductory tasks at the start of your course to support the development of your academic study skills.

Exams required

There are no exams included in the assessment of the course.

Is Membership Required?

No membership is required to enrol on this course.

Additional requirements

Learners must be actively studying for a minimum of six months before results can be ratified and certificates ordered. The six month period does not start until you have passed unit 3 of your course and you must be submitting assignments regularly (in line with the deadlines in your Individual Learning Plan) to meet this six month requirement. Certificates can only be issued once your course is paid for in full.

Certification Timeframe

You can expect to receive your certificate 12-16 weeks from your final assignment being marked and graded, depending on the time of year. You will be provided with regular updates throughout the certification process so that you are fully informed of your individual timeframes.

Course Fees

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.

A range of units make up this qualification, with an assignment at the end of each. You will submit your work to your tutor for marking and tailored feedback. You must acquire 60 credits in total in order to achieve the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Radiography). Of these credits, 45 will be taken from graded units which focus on the academic subject areas included in the course. The remaining 15 come from ungraded units included to help you to improve your academic writing and study skills.

In addition to the qualification units, you will also be required to complete short introductory tasks at the start of your course to support the development of your academic study skills.

As part of your programme, you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.

Skills & Education Group Access

Skills & Education Group Access logo

On successful completion of the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Radiography), (QAA aim code: 4001471X), you will receive a Skills & Education Group Access, QAA recognised, Access to Higher Education Diploma at Level 3. As part of your programme, you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.

An access validating agency with a strong social purpose to recognise achievement, particularly for those who have benefited least from their previous educational experiences, Skills and Education Group Access supports the needs of learners, providers, businesses and communities by enabling progression into higher education.

Developing Your Career

Given that this Access to Higher Education Diploma specialises in radiography, you will be well placed to pursue a career in this sector. You will gain a solid understanding of this essential process, which will make you a desirable candidate for universities.

Once you have achieved your degree, you will be able to pursue a job position, but it is important to note that to work as a radiographer, you will need to be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council.

If you become a radiographer at practitioner level, then you could become a therapeutic radiographer, who focuses on planning and administering radiotherapy treatment. Alternatively, you may want to work as a diagnostic radiographer, who takes images to diagnose illnesses and injuries. If you go down this route, then you will likely work with the following methods:

  • Angiography
  • Computed tomography
  • Fluoroscopy
  • MRI
  • X-ray
  • Ultrasound

Further Qualifications and Prospects

To achieve a step up in your radiography career, you could embark on postgraduate study to become an advanced practitioner, making you the expert voice in your industry. From a clinical perspective, you could specialise in the following areas:

  • Management and leadership
  • Research and service development
  • Education

You can also undertake postgraduate qualifications and training to become a consultant or an educator in your field.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. You will need to complete a radiography degree at university to secure radiography jobs in the UK.
Yes! Access to Higher Education Diplomas are designed to help you get into university without A-Levels. By completing this radiography access course, you will take an alternative route to meeting the radiography A-Level requirements for degree level study. Getting qualified this way can also help you reach degree level radiography courses quicker too as our students typically finish their access courses in just 9 months.
By successfully completing this online access course, you can progress onto an undergraduate diagnostic radiography degree or a therapeutic radiography degree, depending on whether you want to plan and administer radiotherapy treatment or take images to diagnose illnesses and injuries in your career.
Yes, you can! Our radiography access course is 100% online so it can be completed when and where it suits you. This makes it easy to get on track to qualifying as a radiographer around childcare commitments or your current job.
Yes, you will! As part of your study package, we provide help and guidance with your university application, so you can put your best foot forward when the time comes. We also give you tips on how to get the most out of your Access to HE Diploma, so you have the highest chance of success in your studies.
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 18th March
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 18th March
Add GCSE English Language and Maths - save 5% buying as a bundle

Access to Higher Education Diploma (Radiography)

Your Course at a Glance

  • Go to university without A Levels
  • Explore the properties and applications of the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Get prepared for degree-level study
  • Kick-start a career in radiography
  • Study from the comfort of your own home
  • No exams

About Your Diploma

Radiography is a crucial part of healthcare practices as it is a technique that is used across the board. This form of imaging is used to detect abnormalities or issues relating to the human body, from bones to organs.

To take and diagnose these images, you need to be a trained professional, and if this is something that interests you, then you can begin your career path by studying for an Access to Higher Education Diploma (Radiography).

You will study the structure and function of cells, atoms, bonds and structure, plus waves, ECGs and radiography.

As part of your studies, you will also explore radioactivity in medicine as well as professionalism and multidisciplinary teams.

The course, and the degree you’ll be eligible to study after, will provide you with a diverse range of knowledge and skills that will be invaluable wherever your career takes you.

An Access to Higher Education Diploma is the equivalent to 3 A Levels and it is widely accepted as the alternative to A Levels during university applications. Please note, though, that you should check with your chosen university before applying.

The purpose of this course is to not only provide you with foundational knowledge about radiography, but also enhance your study skills to help you navigate through your degree.

Getting Started

The course is developed by subject experts, in conjunction with universities to ensure the material will be of the greatest value to you when you start your degree.

This Access to Higher Education Diploma (Radiography) is an online course that gives you the freedom to study from the comfort of your own home. You will also be able to begin learning as soon as you enrol as you will be given 24/7 access to all the course materials you need.

As part of your course, you will be provided with an Individual Learning Plan that outlines the submission deadlines for your assignments to help keep you on track throughout your studies. An Access to Higher Education Diploma can be completed over two years although on average, learners take 9 months to achieve their qualification.

learndirect is the UK’s leading online course provider, so you can be confident that you will get the support you need to succeed. In addition to our industry-leading learning platform, we’ll also provide you with a dedicated team of tutors who will help you throughout your studies. They will answer questions, mark your assignments, and provide detailed feedback. This will allow you to get the best possible grade and meet your learning goals


Module 1: Academic Writing Skills

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Be able to structure a written response
  • Be able to develop a structured response to a plan
  • Be able to present the response appropriately for audience and purpose
  • Understand how to apply academic writing principles to own work

Module 2: Reading and Note Making

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand a range of reading strategies
  • Understand the use of language in terms of the purpose and context of a range of texts
  • Be able to use methods for developing notes from a range of sources

Module 3: The Structure and Function of Cells

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand cellular structure and organisation
  • Understand cellular activity
  • Understand the cell cycle

Module 4: Atoms, Bonds and Structure

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand atomic structure
  • Understand bonding, structure and properties
  • Understand intermolecular forces

Module 5: The Properties and Applications of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand electromagnetic waves
  • Understand visible and ultraviolet light including their applications
  • Understand microwaves and infrared light
  • Understand ultraviolet light and infrared light in terms of their potential to become hazardous
  • Understand the use of x-rays in medical settings

Module 6: Human Musculoskeletal System

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the human skeleton and how it relates to locomotion
  • Know how muscles contract
  • Understand the development of bone

Module 7: Professionalism and Multidisciplinary Teams

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the impact of changes to the roles and responsibilities of a chosen health care professional
  • Understand regulation as a chosen health care professional
  • Understand the multidisciplinary team working in a chosen health care

Module 8: The Laws of Physics

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand force and motion
  • Understand energy conservation and momentum
  • Understand wave motion
  • Understand reflection and refraction
  • Understand magnetism and electrical current behaviours

Module 9: Chemistry of Drugs and Medicines

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the key definitions used in medicinal chemistry
  • Understand the significance of the molecular structure of drugs upon their function
  • Understand analytic methods used for drug detection
  • Understand the importance of isomerism in drug action
  • Understand the common processes involved in drug design

Module 10: The Cause and Control of Disease

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand categories and causes of human disease
  • Understand the epidemiology of a named disease
  • Understand measures for disease prevention

Module 11: Medical Physics: Waves ECGs and Radiography

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the structure and operation of the eye and the correction of simple eye defects
  • Be able to explain the structure of the ear, the process of hearing and identify and explain simple methods of detecting hearing abnormalities through interpretation of simple tests
  • Be able to describe the electromagnetic spectrum and explain how different types of electromagnetic waves are used in medical physics
  • Be able to distinguish between medical uses of ultrasound imaging techniques
  • Understand and explain therapeutic uses of radioactivity
  • Be able to define, explain and apply those techniques used to monitor the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems

Module 12: Nervous System

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the basic structure and function of the nervous system
  • Understand the nature of nerve impulses
  • Understand the principles of synaptic transmission

Module 13: Waves and Optics

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand concepts associated with waves
  • Understand wave properties
  • Understand simple optics
  • Be able to illustrate the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Understand the effects of diffraction and two source interference of waves

Module 14: Kinetics, Energetics, Equilibria and Acid-Base Equilibria

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand chemical kinetics
  • Understand energetics
  • Understand chemical equilibria
  • Understand acid-base equilibria

Module 15: Radioactivity in Medicine

Upon successful completion of this module, you will:

  • Understand the nature of radioactive decay
  • Understand the need for safety precautions when handling radioactive isotopes
  • Understand the beneficial uses of radioactive isotopes

In addition to the qualification units, you will also be required to complete short introductory tasks at the start of your course to support the development of your academic study skills.

Entry Requirements

To study an Access to HE Diploma you must be resident in the UK and have a UK postcode.

You must hold Level 2 qualifications in both English and Maths, or be working towards them alongside studying your Access to Higher Education Diploma.

University Entry Criteria

It must be reiterated that each university will set its own admission criteria. So, you must check with your desired institution if your Access to HE Diploma and other qualifications will be accepted. In many cases, to get started at university you will need: - A certain number of credits passed with a merit or a distinction grade - A face-to-face interview at the university - Literacy and numeracy assessments provided by the university - Course-related work placements or work experience - GCSE Grade C/4 or above in Maths and English (or equivalent Level 2 such as Functional Skills/Key Skills, etc.) It is your responsibility to check that your Access to HE Diploma will be accepted as part of these entry requirements for your chosen degree. learndirect will not be held accountable if completing this Access to Higher Education Diploma doesn’t secure you a position with a higher education institution.

Minimum age restriction

Access to HE Diplomas are designed to support students to progress to university who have substantial experience of life outside of formal education which they have gained since completing compulsory schooling.

Average completion timeframe

The average time it takes our learners to complete the course is 9-12 months.

Assessment requirements

A range of assessment methodologies are used, including: essay, scenario analysis, illustrated report, experiment, presentation (video and audio recording), series of questions, academic writing skills tasks.

In addition to the qualification units, you will also be required to complete short introductory tasks at the start of your course to support the development of your academic study skills.

Exams required

There are no exams included in the assessment of the course.

Is Membership Required?

No membership is required to enrol on this course.

Additional requirements

Learners must be actively studying for a minimum of six months before results can be ratified and certificates ordered. The six month period does not start until you have passed unit 3 of your course and you must be submitting assignments regularly (in line with the deadlines in your Individual Learning Plan) to meet this six month requirement. Certificates can only be issued once your course is paid for in full.

Certification Timeframe

You can expect to receive your certificate 12-16 weeks from your final assignment being marked and graded, depending on the time of year. You will be provided with regular updates throughout the certification process so that you are fully informed of your individual timeframes.

Course Fees

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.

Excellent Marking


A range of units make up this qualification, with an assignment at the end of each. You will submit your work to your tutor for marking and tailored feedback. You must acquire 60 credits in total in order to achieve the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Radiography). Of these credits, 45 will be taken from graded units which focus on the academic subject areas included in the course. The remaining 15 come from ungraded units included to help you to improve your academic writing and study skills.

In addition to the qualification units, you will also be required to complete short introductory tasks at the start of your course to support the development of your academic study skills.

As part of your programme, you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.


Skills & Education Group Access

Skills & Education Group Access logo

On successful completion of the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Radiography), (QAA aim code: 4001471X), you will receive a Skills & Education Group Access, QAA recognised, Access to Higher Education Diploma at Level 3. As part of your programme, you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.

An access validating agency with a strong social purpose to recognise achievement, particularly for those who have benefited least from their previous educational experiences, Skills and Education Group Access supports the needs of learners, providers, businesses and communities by enabling progression into higher education.

Developing Your Career

Given that this Access to Higher Education Diploma specialises in radiography, you will be well placed to pursue a career in this sector. You will gain a solid understanding of this essential process, which will make you a desirable candidate for universities.

Once you have achieved your degree, you will be able to pursue a job position, but it is important to note that to work as a radiographer, you will need to be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council.

If you become a radiographer at practitioner level, then you could become a therapeutic radiographer, who focuses on planning and administering radiotherapy treatment. Alternatively, you may want to work as a diagnostic radiographer, who takes images to diagnose illnesses and injuries. If you go down this route, then you will likely work with the following methods:

  • Angiography
  • Computed tomography
  • Fluoroscopy
  • MRI
  • X-ray
  • Ultrasound

Further Qualifications and Prospects

To achieve a step up in your radiography career, you could embark on postgraduate study to become an advanced practitioner, making you the expert voice in your industry. From a clinical perspective, you could specialise in the following areas:

  • Management and leadership
  • Research and service development
  • Education

You can also undertake postgraduate qualifications and training to become a consultant or an educator in your field.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. You will need to complete a radiography degree at university to secure radiography jobs in the UK.
Yes! Access to Higher Education Diplomas are designed to help you get into university without A-Levels. By completing this radiography access course, you will take an alternative route to meeting the radiography A-Level requirements for degree level study. Getting qualified this way can also help you reach degree level radiography courses quicker too as our students typically finish their access courses in just 9 months.
By successfully completing this online access course, you can progress onto an undergraduate diagnostic radiography degree or a therapeutic radiography degree, depending on whether you want to plan and administer radiotherapy treatment or take images to diagnose illnesses and injuries in your career.
Yes, you can! Our radiography access course is 100% online so it can be completed when and where it suits you. This makes it easy to get on track to qualifying as a radiographer around childcare commitments or your current job.
Yes, you will! As part of your study package, we provide help and guidance with your university application, so you can put your best foot forward when the time comes. We also give you tips on how to get the most out of your Access to HE Diploma, so you have the highest chance of success in your studies.
Access to Higher Education Diplomas
(National Average 78.4%)
Accreditation by Skills & Education Group Access
100% online
17 units
600 notional
learning hours

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